:: Heather Bailey's Rose Bouquet in Yellow $5.00 per yard
:: Michael Miller's Belinda in Citron $5.50 per yard
:: Valori Well's Tapestry in Earth $6.00 per yard

The Heather Bailey and Michael Miller fabrics on sale will look good together. I'm in love with the Belinda pattern. I think it's real beauty isn't captured with the online picture. I wish everyone could see this fabric in person. The Valori Well's Tapestry fabric is relatively new so take advantage of the discount. Remember most of the fabric's suggested retail price is $9 or higher so when I mark it down to $5 a yard that's basically 50% off!
I'm still hoping for some tips on how to host a great giveaway! Help!
The Housewarming Party is today so please excuse my delay with custom listings!! I appreciate you so much... I hope you know that :]
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