I just finished moving! Yes! Finally I have my own house! It's so much work and I'm super stressed about 90% of the time, yet the other 10% I am blissfully, sickeningly happy!
The fabric/crafting area occupies the dining room of my house! We don't have a dining table, chairs, china, or money!!! so... the fabrics have a lovely home now

Isn't the collection growing?!?!?! I am awaiting a few bolts from David Walker. His "Oh Boy!" collection is adorable!

I'm totally in love with this desk that I got for free! It's so awesome! And I also love these plastic drawers! It feels good to be totally organized!

And I just have to share the view from my work station!! I have a pond in my backyard with fishys and water lilys! Ah! I'm in love here!

I wish you all happy days! I've never been so stressed yet so happy at the same time, but I wouldn't change a thing!
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